What is the purpose of this podcast?
The purpose is twofold: 1st, to enhance and sustain my own resonance with the everpresent divinity in my life and 2nd, to demonstrate how the poem, the ABC’s of a Dose of God, may serve as a framework for others to regularly identify and connect with what’s good among common occurrences in their lives.
What is the background of this podcast?
More than a decade before this podcast was created, I self-published a book, A Good Dose of God: Everybody’s Best Friend (Ebook, Paperback). Since its initial release, I have engaged in several internal contemplations based on the book’s content that I feel helped me be more present and peaceful in my daily life. Eventually, I began to feel a persistently intensifying pull toward writing reflections based on verses in the book’s poem, The ABCs of a Dose of God, and sharing them with others who may be interested in reading or listening to the reflections. This inspiration led to the vision and creation of this limited-series, short-form, self-reflective podcast.
How many episodes are in the series?
This is a limited series podcast with 28 episodes.
How long is each episode?
The length of each episode ranges between 6-18 minutes.
When are episodes released?
Episodes were released 1x per week for 28 weeks beginning 1/6/21 and are intended to be available indefinitely.
What is the format of the episodes?
Each episode presents a pre-written narrative read by the host.
What is the scope of each episode?
Episode 1 is an introduction to the podcast series. Episodes 2-27 each address a specific verse in the poem, The ABCs of a Dose of God, and includes a brief description of the verse, a personal reflection demonstrating how the verse has facilitated my own resonance with Doses of God in my life, a statement of gratitude, and a few guiding questions that may be considered for the listener’s own reflection. Episode 28 is a conclusion to the series.
Who is the target audience for this podcast?
There are multiple target audiences for this podcast:
The 1st target audience is myself because I tend to find immense value in reflecting as a strategy for improving my own coherence of my thoughts, optimizing my interpretation of my authentic self and place in the world, and enhancing the ways in which I interact with others.
The 2nd target audience is my immediate family, including my wife, kids, and parents. I believe that understanding one another's ways of perceiving and navigating the world can contribute to sustainably healthy relationships with my family. This project is a method of articulating at least a few attributes of my current perspective in a way that may be more comprehensible than casual conversation and also serves a means of expressing a flicker of the boundless appreciation I have for my family.
The 3rd target audience is my peers, such as people who previously indicated interest in the message of the book, A Good Dose of God, by liking the Facebook page for the book.
The 4th target audience is any additional peers or broader communities who may be drawn to the messages in the book or podcast.
The 5th target audience is pastors and congregation members of the church I attend as well as participants in a small informal non-denominational spiritual group I have met with over the years.
The 6th target audience is others interested in self-care and formal or informal spiritual practice, regardless of their religious affiliation or non-religious way of living.
Even if the message only reaches the 1st target audience (i.e., me), the process and product will be well worth the time and energy expended as I will be connecting with the deeper essence of my inner self and developing knowledge and skills along the way that I anticipate will be transferable to other personal and professional initiatives. I have somewhat of a sense, though, that the product of the work has potential to be relevant to audiences beyond my own self. Perhaps people would find it helpful in guiding oral or written small group discussions that are facilitated synchronously or asynchronously in physical or virtual settings.
How might a person benefit by listening to the episodes?
Contemplating the reflection questions posed toward the end of episodes 2-27 may benefit the emotional and spiritual well-being of listeners by providing them with additional opportunities to identify and appreciate what’s good among the lives they are living.
Where is this podcast available?
A Dose of God is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and anywhere else podcasts may be found. As an episode is released, a link to the episode will be posted on the A Dose of God Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ADoseofGodPage and on its respective webpage at www.adoseofgod.com
Where are transcripts available for the episodes?
As an episode is released, a transcript of the episode will be available on its respective webpage at www.adoseofgod.com
Why was a labyrinth selected to be on the podcast cover?
I selected a labyrinth for the cover because I see parallels between my way of walking a labyrinth and my way of engaging in written reflection. For example, walking a labyrinth and writing reflections have both been methods of engaging in contemplatively spiritual practices that can facilitate my entry into a present state of being. As I begin to walk into a labyrinth, it seems as if I am entering a physical maze, unable to outline the sequence of steps that will lead me to a symbolic “tree of life” in the center, which may signify deep resonance with divinity in a way that promotes a renewed and loving perspective for me to apply in subsequent experiences. Although the complete sequence of steps at the onset of entering a labyrinth is unclear, each step clearly leads to the next step and eventually guides me to the center. Similarly, as I begin a written reflection, it seems like I am entering a mental maze, unable to describe the progression of thoughts that will lead me to pure existence at the core of my being, which is where I may encounter vivid resonance with divinity in a way that also promotes a renewed and loving perspective that I can carry with me into the world. Although the sequence of thoughts at the onset of a written reflective journey is unclear, each thought leads to the next thought and eventually to the center of my understanding. As a result of identifying these types of parallels, I see a labyrinth as being, at least to some degree, a visual representation of the contemplative reflective practice that is demonstrated in the A Dose of God podcast episodes.
Who is the author and host of the episodes?
Nathan Anderson
Who is the producer of the podcast?
Jonah Lantto at The Good Talk Network recorded and edited all episodes.
Who is the artist of the painting on the podcast cover and the paintings accompanying each episode?
Judith Quill painted the labyrinth on the podcast cover and provided a painting for each episode.
Who is the graphic designer of the podcast cover?
Alex Harrom at Nomad Design House designed the cover using a painting by Judy Quill.
Who is the editor of the narrative content for each episode?
Lana Anderson